


科学的基础是实验和观察. 研究是不能教的; 这是必须做的. 研究是大学生联系课堂的重要环节 and graduate school research and is a key ingredient in the training of scientists.

Undergraduate student research under the supervision of a chemistry professor allows 让学生研究真正的科学问题. 学生经历困难 设计和实施实验来探索未知. 他们得到了机会 to taste the thrill of discovery and to share their work through presentations at the American Chemical Society, the Tennessee Academy of Science, the 365bet Research 论坛,以及类似的科学家会议.

Students presenters at the 化学系's 2017 Spring Undergraduate Research 研讨会.







下面简要介绍一些当前的研究课题或领域. 更多的 information visit the homepage of the instructor or contact the instructor via the 提供的电邮地址.

Dr. 凯莉·布伦南
Dr. 凯莉·布伦南从事各种各样的分析和材料研究! 她特别 工作与电化学,环境化学,玻璃薄膜. 来看看 她,如果你感兴趣的话. 

Dr. 艾伦Chaparadza
He is interested in technological devices based on solid materials that have certain 化学、物理或电子性质. 他们的团队从事基础研究, which addresses fundamental issues and challenges affecting materials used in chemical sensors, environmental remediation, biomaterials and metal matrix nanocomposites for 结构加固. 目前的研究方向包括光电CO2固定 using 氧化-based photodiodes, nanostructured materials for biomedical imaging, development of photoreactive semiconductor 氧化s for anti-biological or chemical decontamination applications, development of sensors for metal ions detection and metal matrix nanocomposites 用于结构加固. 

Dr. 科迪卡温顿
He has many research interests in computational chemistry ranging from properties 小分子到大的表面活性剂和蛋白质系统. 他愿意接受 on any project, though his current projects are on photoelectron circular dichroism, hydrogen transmission through graphene and the electronic properties of doped tin 氧化. Dr. 科文顿还保留了一些计算机代码,所以有兴趣的同学 在编码方面可以做出贡献.

Dr. 柴那Haratipour
Her research interests primarily revolve around computational structural modeling and virtual ligand screening of target proteins, with a particular focus on nuclear 受体蛋白. 我们的目标是为这些靶蛋白找到合适的配体 通过涉及大型化合物库的计算机对接仿真. 这个过程 enables us to pinpoint a select few compounds exhibiting the highest binding affinity. Furthermore, we employ molecular 动力学 simulations to evaluate the stability of the ligand-protein complex and investigate how the ligand impacts the protein's structural 动力学. 

Dr. 莱斯利Hiatt
Her group is working to develop an assay for the detection of nicotine in complex 电子烟样品使用电化学和比色法. 该试验方法可以应用 商业上帮助小商店展示他们产品的质量. 他们是 also using high performance liquid chromatography and gas chromatography with nicotine calibration curves to quantitatively analyze the quality control of electronic cigarettes. 和博士一起. 曼恩,他们也在努力合成新的类胡萝卜素 具有快速电子转移特性. 在这些新化合物被制造出来之后 analysis on these products will be performed, to see if these new molecules could be incorporated into electrochromic devices as a faster and more energy efficient 技术.

Dr. 麦奇曼
Dr. 曼恩的研究方向是化学毒理学. 她的学生做研究 on essential oils, the medical claims made by the essential oil industry, and toxicological 精油的作用. 项目包括研究雌激素的影响 of lavender oil on MCF-7 breast cancer cells and, more recently, analyzing the essential oil of frankincense to determine whether boswellic acids, molecules known for their 抗癌特性,发现在油和树脂. 教学项目 include presentation of environmental toxicity and the ethics it entails to organic chemistry students as well as novel lab experiments to teach multifaceted organic 化学概念.

Dr. 弗雷德·马修斯
Studying Fischer esterification producing various hexyl acetates, followed by physical 和光谱分析,特别是一维和二维核磁共振研究. 产品将是 identified using bp, refractive index, GLC, GCMS, IR, plus PMR, CMR, GATEDEC, DEPT45, DEPT90、DEPT135、DEPTQ135、COSY、HSQC、HMBC核磁共振实验.

Dr. 阿派内芝
She is interested in extraction, isolation and characterization of compounds from 药用植物. 她的团队正致力于从肉桂树皮中提取化合物 使用蒸馏和色谱技术. 然后它们将被分离 用核磁共振和红外仪器检测化合物.

Dr. 罗宾·里德
His research interests are in protein kinases and proteins that may bind to specific 细胞中的激酶. 这些酶催化g-磷酸从ATP转移 针对目标蛋白的特定丝氨酸、苏氨酸或酪氨酸残基. 特别的 interest are the cyclic-nucleotide dependent protein kinases, PKA and PKG, and their 参与信号转导通路. 一种分离蛋白质的技术 结合PKA或PKG的是camp -琼脂糖层析. 他的学生研究员 lab have recently verified that one such cAMP-agarose binding protein is the Nucleoside Diphosphate Kinase (NDPK) that is responsible for shifting phosphate groups among 核苷酸的各种磷酸化形式. 他的团队现在正试图确定 它在自然复杂状态下的亚基数量. 他们使用西方的 blotting, column chromatography and native gel electrophoresis to accomplish this 目标.

Dr. 丽莎•沙利文
Her group is investigating a low temperature synthesis of zirconium tungstate (ZrW2O8),显示各向同性负热膨胀. 制备纳米颗粒ZrW2O8 will be incorporated into a polymer thin film to give a composite material that has 可控热膨胀. 他们还在研究一种新的合成制剂 of nanoparticulate silver and studying the antimicrobial efficacy of prepared samples.


REU:夏天是做研究的好时机. 夏季REU可以应用于 你的化学学位.  美国国家科学基金会(NSF)资助了许多研究 美国各地学校的机会. 去找NSF资助的reu 可以申请,请点击这个链接: NSF REUs. Contact any chemistry faculty for more information about applying to these programs.

UREF: The Undergraduate Research Enrichment Funds have replaced the Presidential Research 学者和暑期本科生研究奖学金项目. UREF计划提供 up to $3000 to student-faculty teams in support of scholarly and creative activity.  资金可用于支持项目相关费用(设备、用品等).), student stipend and/or travel, and up to $500 in professional development funds for 教师导师. 365bet的系主任或化学系了解更多信息.

艾瑞丝:博士. 布伦南在物理系工作,为期三年,报酬30万美元 International Research Experience for Students (IRES) grant from the National Science Foundation that will send 18 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 College of STEM students 捷克共和国、法国和波兰的大学. 如果你感兴趣的话 了解更多关于这个机会,请联系博士. 布伦南. 

实习:Contact Dr. 向沙利文了解实习机会.